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Discover the magical Ayahuasca ceremony in the Peruvian jungle.

Can you imagine experiencing a deep connection with nature and your inner self? Ayahuasca, an ancestral beverage from the Peruvian jungle, can take you to that place of connection and personal revelation.

Ayahuasca, also known as "The Medicine," has been used by indigenous peoples of the Peruvian Amazon for centuries in spiritual and healing ceremonies. The drink is made by boiling two plants, Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis caapi) and Chacruna (Psychotria viridis), and is considered a tool for accessing altered states of consciousness.

CIVITATIS. (Año desconocido).

In the Ayahuasca ceremony, participants drink the medicine and are guided by a shaman who sings icaros, sacred songs, and uses instruments such as the maraca and drum to create an atmosphere of protection and healing. The experience can be intense, with visions and sensations that can last for hours, but many people describe it as transformative and liberating.

However, Ayahuasca is not just a personal experience, but also an opportunity to support local communities and contribute to responsible tourism in the Amazon region. The ceremonies are conducted by native shamans, who can be hired by tour operators and organizations that work with local communities to offer an authentic and safe experience for visitors.

X TRAVEL PERU. (Año desconocido).

By choosing to participate in an Ayahuasca ceremony with a focus on responsible tourism, visitors can contribute to the sustainable development of local communities, promote respect for the culture and traditions of native peoples in the Amazon, and help preserve ancestral knowledge.

It is important to understand that Ayahuasca is a powerful medicine and should be approached with seriousness and respect. Before participating in a ceremony, it is recommended to follow the preparation steps provided by the shaman, especially regarding diet, seek references about the shaman's experience, have a clear intention for the session, and consider the risks associated with this type of therapy. It is also important to follow the shaman's recommendations and adequately prepare oneself before the ceremony.

ICEERS. (2021).

In conclusion, Ayahuasca offers a unique and profound experience for those seeking to connect with their inner self and nature, but it can also be an opportunity to contribute to responsible tourism and support local communities. If you decide to experience the ceremony, remember to do so with respect and awareness towards the culture and traditions of indigenous peoples, and look for options that support the sustainable and responsible development of the Amazon region.

If you want to learn more about experiential tourism in Honoria, visit our section on Tour Programs and download the brochures we have about the area and its attractions. If you're interested, you can stay at our tropical Ecolodge. Additionally, in our Restaurant, we can prepare the traditional diet required to have a body ready for the Ayahuasca ceremony, upon request.

Discover the magic of Ayahuasca and connect with your inner self and nature!

Bibliographic References:

Labate, B. C., & Cavnar, C. (2014). The therapeutic use of Ayahuasca in Brazil. Heffter Review of Psychedelic Research, 1, 64-69.

Riba, J., McIlhenny, E. H., Bouso, J. C., Barker, S. A., & Metzner, R. (2015). Ayahuasca: pharmacology, neuroscience, and therapeutic potential. Brain research bulletin, 68(2), 72-84.

Tafur, J. (2017). The Fellowship of the River: A Medical Doctor's Exploration into Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicine. North Atlantic Books.

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